The Bicycle Industry Jobs Marketplace

57hours Profile



134 N 4th Street,

Brooklyn, NY, NY, 11429

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Company Description

We are creating an open platform that will connect you and trained and certified outdoor adventure professionals all over the world. Using our knowledge of the technology we make it super easy to find and book adventures worth tackling and guides worth booking all gathered from locals and first-hand experiences.

On the other hand, we are really excited about building a platform that will enable a passionate community of local guides all over the world to share their amazing itineraries, fill up their trips quickly, build up their client base faster, and have successful and sustainable careers from the day one.

We see 57hours benefiting everyone involved, guides, local communities, our environment, clients like us and you while keeping us all safe, helping save time, take the guesswork out of the planning process, because every weekend should be for playing in the outdoors and enjoying it to the fullest.